Everything you need to know about the New Moon

when there’s a new moon, there’s a new blog post…

What is the importance of the New Moon?

The New Moon in Aquarius falls on the 29th of January and it is the perfect opportunity to manifest your dreams into their reality.

A New Moon is when the Moon becomes invisible to us. This invites us to start again; the Moon becomes a blank canvas for you to paint your manifestations upon.

This New Moon is such a beautifully supported cosmic event; our intentions are the most nurtured they could possibly be at current. It falls in Aquarius, a sign all about innovation, collective liberation, change; the change from the earth sign to the air sign allows for more freedom and movement, one we often don’t think we’re ready for. But do not worry! This change is beautiful and wants you to think beyond your comfort zone, to break out of old patterns and step into your dream reality.

It is also the Lunar New Year! This year it is ‘the Year of the Snake’ - an animal associated with rebirth and transformation. They are creatures that literally shed their skin and begin anew. I wrote a poem about this…

I shall shed my skin once more

unwrap the coils to spoil the girl you created

I will shed you from my skin

until the thought of you is outdated

and you will look at me, reborn

singing my hymns with a hiss

I am not the girl you knew

for she no longer exists.

The Moon will also trine Jupiter (it forms a 120 degree angle) - Both Jupiter and trine are all about andunace and expansion; the perfect energy to amplify your manifestation! It’s important to be aware that too much is often in excess, so use this energy mindfully. All good things must be in moderation; as Cheryl says ‘too much of anything can make you sick’. Jupiter also enhances luck and optimism meaning that everything you manifest is nurtured by the most beautiful, encouraging energy.

The Sun is also conducting the Moon allowing us to draw a line underneath the past. Search into old habits, difficult emotions and understand them. Through uncomfortability we can often grow.

To summarise, this New Moon is (ironically) glowing. Everything is aligning to ensure you can align too. Do not resist change but rather appreciate it and learn from it. Use this New Moon to set your intentions clearly and allow yourself to move with the freedom of it falling in Aquarius as well as the optimism of Jupiter. Do not try to control or compare at this time, simply set your intentions and focus your energy there. It is such a beautiful time to create your dreams into reality.

How to use the New Moon to Manifest:

Visualisation Manifestation - set a timer for either 1:11 or 11:11 (due to the angel number 111 being the most abundant for manifestation) and imagine yourself as the person you want to become. What are you doing? What can you see? What can you smell? How do you feel? The more specific you are, the more you will achieve your vision.

Water Manifestation - write exactly what you want to manifest on a peace of paper as if it were an affirmation (in present tense, as though it has happened). Get a glass of water and fill it with clear water, attach the paper to the glass and rub your palms together to activate the energy flow in both your and hold the glass. Say the affirmation aloud, visualising you sending positive energy to this water and place it in on your windowsill. In the morning, drink the water.

Scripting - on a piece of paper, write your manifestations in the first person as though the things you are manifesting have already happened. leave this on the windowsill underneath the New Moon.

Vision Board - if you didn’t make one at the start of the year, this is your sign to do so! Collect photos that resonate with your dream goals and compile them into a collage (I use Pinterest and group my photos, e.g. financial goals, social goals, career goals etc). This can either be physical (a board you literally hang up on the wall) or digital (you phone and/or laptop background).

Dance and Sing - Aquarius is all about movement so…get your move on! Start dancing and singing to songs that bring you joy. Let go of expectation and just dance and sing with no embarrassment at all.

It’s also worth looking into your Birth Chart and seeing what house the Moon falls in for you, as well as Jupiter and set further goals in accordance to those Houses.


I welcome new opporutnies and innovative ideas into my life.

I embrace change as an opportunity for growth and transformation.

I release old patterns and create space for freedom, movement, and joy

to flow into my life.

Everything I manifest is already on its way to me

I trust the Universe is working in my favour

Everything is working out for the greater good.

I am grateful for the love and abundance in my life

Poetry Prompts

  • “I shall shed my skin once more…”

  • write as if Change was a person

  • “I am in tune with the Universe’s song…”

Journal Prompts:

  • what does freedom mean to me, and how can I create more of it in my life?

  • How can I use my unique gifts to benefit others or my community?

  • Where in my life am I being called to innovate or think differently?

  • how can you restructure change to allow for more freedom, flow and joy in your life?

Thank you for being here and taking the time to read and understand yourself. The tool to creating the life you dream of is creating the space to do it and trusting that it is already on its way to you.

Thank you for showing up for yourself.

Sending you all love and light,

Becca x


the planets are aligning for you