the planets are aligning for you

Have you been feeling intense emotions recently, whether it being crying all the time, feeling frustrated, or as though you’re replaying past memories? Allow me to validate and help you understand why these emotions have been so intense (and how you can use them to manifest your dream life in 2025).

On the 25th of January, all the planets will be aligning ‘in a straight line’ (it’s not completely straight, but their alignment is a cosmic event). You will be able to see 4 of the planets with the naked eye, 6 with a telescope.

What does this mean?

Each planet represents specific energy; when in alignment, their energies are amplified and thus so is ours. After the Full Moon in Cancer on January 13th, our emotions have been heightened and as each day gets closer to January 25th, our emotions get more intense. This is not without intention; it invites us to unpack emotional patterns and create a deeper insight into our physical, emotional and spiritual selves.

We are being called into extreme transformation; diving into the dark thoughts and emotions that we are experiencing and to embrace them. Ask yourself - what do these emotions represent? What do I not want to feel? How can I achieve this?

As you unravel each emotion, you come closer to complete transformation. Once you understand what you want, you can now begin to manifest your dream life through using the amplified energy of the planets aligning on January 25th and therefore achieve clarity and closure.

Things will start to make sense.

Manifestation Techniques

As well as the amplified energy, the 25th of January is a great time to manifest in terms of numerology.

2 + 5 + 1 = 8

8 is the number that represents abundance and success.

So here are a few different methods I will be using to manifest my dream life…

  1. Visualisation - set a timer for 1:11 (due to the angel number 111 being the most abundant for manifestation) and imagine yourself as the person you want to become. What are you doing? What can you see? What can you smell? How do you feel? The more specific you are, the more you will achieve your vision.

  2. 10 10 10 method - split a piece of paper into 3 sections. the first section will be ‘I am grateful for’, the second ‘I am so happy and thankful that…’ and ‘I deserve it because…’. When you write underneath the second section, you will be writing in the first person as though the things you are manifesting have already happened. At the end of writing 10 points for each section, write ‘Thank you, Universe’ and sign off your name.

  3. Whisper Method - if you are trying to manifest a specific job promotion, a person into your life, close your eyes and imagine them. visualise yourself walking up to them as a spirit and whisper into their ear three times what you want them to do. Picture yourself leaving the room, wholeheartedly certain they are going to do exactly what you asked of them. Leave no room for doubt.


When we speak to the Universe (or G-d, or the divinity we believe in) we place our trust in their power. Affirmations help to communicate directly to the Universe that we know it is on our side.

here are some affirmations I like to use…

I trust the Universe is working in my favour

Everything I manifest is already on its way to me

Everything is working out for the greater good

I am grateful for the love and abundance in my life

Poetry Prompts

As a poet, I believe creativity and energy alignment leads to our best work. So here are some prompts, in relation to this cosmic event, to help you create your art.

  • the constellations will change…

  • I am not who I was a year ago…

  • let the light flow through me…

  • I refuse to be tied to thought of you…

Thank you for being here and taking the time to read and understand yourself. The tool to creating the life you dream of is creating the space to do it.

Thank you for showing up for yourself.

Sending you all love and light,

Becca x


Everything you need to know about the New Moon


the first full moon of 2025 ✨🌷🌕