a guide on today’s Summer Solstice

happy summer solstice!!

this is a day bursting with energy; it is a cosmic invitation to soak up the sun and step into its spotlight.

it is a sign from the Universe to believe.

so, what is the summer solstice?

it occurs today, on the 20th of June 2024 at 9:51pm BST and celebrates how the earth’s poles have titled towards the sun, making it the longest day and shortest night of the year! it invites us to celebrate what we are gifted with and reflecting on what has come into fruition in the first half of this year. without the Sun there is no life; it beams in our core, it fills our essence and thus today is a cosmic invitation to reflect on the energy that you would like to carry with you into the second half of the year. tomorrow is also the Strawbery Moon - the first full moon of the Summer. for these two big astrological days to be so close together is quite rare and thus the energy within the world right now is abundant.

so, what does this mean?

it is time to use this celestial event to align with your emotions and aspirations. when there is more daylight, there is more energy and thus more time to accomplish goals. it is a symbol for the Universe to remind us that success is within our reach.

before I began writing, I drew my Tarot Cards (I’ll be on live tonight at 8:30pm doing Tarot if anyone would like theirs read) and were faced with these three cards:

  1. The Hierophant - a card rooted in tradition, influences, belief and spirituality. it allowed me to reflect on the influences that motivate me, and perhaps the ones that hold me back. it encouraged me to seek ties with my spirituality and prompted this blog post. for me it felt like the Universe encouraged me to reflect and sit with the things I find valuable and allow those values to sit as the foundation to my success.

  2. Nine of Cups - the cups deck typically reminds me of the element of Water; of feelings that flow and its ability to help things grow. it is a card that echoes the Summer Solstice for me; it is full of contentment, happiness, indulgence. it reminded me of the abundance in my life, typically in my relationships and career. it allowed me to reflect on what I was grateful for whilst reminding myself not to become complacent. as someone who struggles with Imposter Syndrome, often sometimes to do with my poetry, it was refreshing to know success was waiting for me, I just needed to shake the doubt and complacency first.

  3. Seven of Wands - now this card confused me as it was one typically associated with deception and betrayal. it was interesting that this was the last one I pulled; it gave the reading a balance, a reminder that not all the energy is worth tapping into. it asked me to question whether my actions match my values (echoing The Hierophant) whilst encouraging me to be honest with what I want (the success in the Nine of Cups). though often perceived as a card of negativity, this felt like the Universe encouraging me to be honest with my intentions.

this Summer Solstice has consisted of me soaking up the sun, connecting to nature and allowing the cosmic pause to take over whilst I set my goals.

so, what can you do to make the most of this Summer Solstice?

today is the day to step into the spotlight of your own life. what do you want? what drives you? what makes you feel as bright as the sun? what values align with this? what is holding you back? what is pushing you forward?

to help with this reflection, I’ve given you both Journal Prompts and Poetry Prompts :)

Journal Prompts:

  1. reflect on the first half of the year. what went right that you want to carry into the next half and what would you like to leave behind?

  2. what does the most energised version of yourself look like? how can you reach that version of yourself?

  3. if nothing was in the way of achieving your goals, what would you do? is there a way of breaking through those obstacles?

Poetry Prompts:

  1. write inspired by the phrase ‘to soak up the sun’

  2. write inspired by the sun and its vitality

  3. write a letter from your higher self a year after the Summer Solstice

  4. in Latin the Summer Solstice means the sun stands still - write a poem inspired by this

a few other rituals I would suggest is reciting some mantras (my ambitions are within reach, I create the success I desire, I attract success, I am ready to step into the spotlight of my own life) and writing a letter to yourself in present tense as if your goals/aspirations have already happened, e.g. I am in the most successful period of my life. I have worked hard and achieved…I am in the happiest relationship of my life…I have found self love. Make sure to express gratitude to the Universe at the end of your letter!

I send you all love and light on this Summer Solstice ☀️🌼

all my love,

Becca x


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