letting go of October

have you felt tired? angry? easily triggered? well, the energy of October has helped to intensify those feelings. luckily, November 1st is the New Moon in Scorpio - a perfect time to let go, set boundaries and welcome the life of your dreams into the present. after the heaviness of October, this New Moon in November feels like a breath of fresh air.

so what is a new moon?

a new moon is all about setting intentions and manifesting the dreams you’d like to see within your life. but this November New Moon? it’s the most powerful new moon of the year.

there are multiple reasons for this…

  1. it’s in the sign of Scorpio - a sign of death and rebirth. imagine it as two powerful energies of change and transformation coming together.

  2. its transits with other planets - Mars, Mercury and Neptune form a magic triad in the skies; a cosmic setting for any creative projects, communication and intuition interplay and emotional clarity. the New Moon trines Saturn, bringing stability whilst Mars opposes Pluto bringing competition and allowing buried issues to surface.

  3. 111 portal - this New Moon is happening on the 1st of the 11th month, opening the 111 portal. the angel number is the penultimate sign of manifestation and setting intentions.

  4. Halloween and its thinning veil - it’s often believed that on Halloween the veil between this world and the realm to where the ‘powers that be’ exist is the thinnest, meaning our manifestations are stronger. the origins of this come from the Celts who believed that during Samhain, the boundaries of the living and the dead were blurred.

so, there is a LOT of energy to harness this New Moon.

what does this mean for you?

take a moment to just listen to yourself.

have you felt any negative emotions recently? sadness, anger, jealousy? is there anything or anyone that’s been holding you back? is there boundaries you need to set? is there a reason behind the anger, or the sadness? are there reasons for these triggers?

this New Moon invites you to confront what’s been hidden; to dig up the emotional baggage long buried, scatter it across the room and sort through it. to look within yourself and find inner truth will be at the centre of setting intentions during this New Moon.

there is so much waiting for you, be ready to manifest it into fruition.

my experiences with this New Moon

October was tumultuous. if you see any of my Instagram Weekly Pocket Notes then you’d know it hasn't been easy. there was anger, jealousy, sadness, insecurity and doubt. I felt like life was ripping at the tapestry I have tried so hard to sew. it felt like I was lost and had absolutely nowhere to go.

when researching this New Moon I felt as though someone had scooped me up into their arms and just held me, reassuring me that change is okay and perhaps it is best to continue to explore it.

at the heart of my intentions this New Moon is letting go. I don’t find it easy to shed the people, places and possibilities that do not serve me. I hold on to everything until it wears me thin and honestly? I’m exhausted.

this New Moon I am learning how to let go.

and in doing so, I’m doing a lot of shadow work. diving into the deepness of inner child wounds, triggers and confronting what I’ve often hidden. to be able to release and renew I have to revisit and release.

I am ready to do so.

I believe you are too.

as always, here are the journal and poetry prompts of this blog post…

journal prompts:

  1. what emotions have you felt the most this last month? how have they affected you?

  2. how do those emotions contribute to you setting boundaries?

  3. what do you want to release this new moon?

  4. what intentions would you like to set this upcoming month?

poetry prompts

  • sunsets and storms

  • the veil between realms

  • dreams

  • letting go

  • scorpions

as always, thank you for being here. this community gives me light, laughter and love and I am truly grateful for you.

I hope this New Moon provides the energy for all you wish to manifest.

all my love,

Becca x


the first full moon of 2025 ✨🌷🌕


tuning into the world’s frequency