tuning into the world’s frequency
There is something fundamentally life-altering about tapping into the world’s energy and noticing how life calms and quietens once you do.
Think of it like a radio (yes, a radio - am I showing my age here?) - depending on the music you wish to listen to, you change the frequency. The same applies to the life you wish to see, the person you wish to be - you tap into that frequency.
Each full moon, I often feel an intensity of energy aligning with the signs and transits it specifically falls in. However this feel moon felt different, stronger. It felt personal, and ultimately validating.
What is the Aries Super Full Moon?
Last evening we had the Aries Super Full Moon. It sounds a little complicated but it was quite simple once we break it down.
super moon - the moon’s elliptical orbit is closest to Earth, causing emotions, dreams and intuitions to amplify.
full moon - time of release, completion and letting go.
What does it mean that it falls in Aries?
Aries is direct and unstoppable; change happens when we let it loose. There is also courage, determination and confidence laced within our actions, but this also means we tend to be quite quick and fiery in our reactions.
In contrast, the sun has remained in Libra; almost the opposite energy of Aries. Aries is a warrior, ready to fight whilst Libra battles only when balance has been altered. This full moon is asking you what you are willing to fight for and what you are willing to let go. It asks you to stop and consider what would be best before you rush in with the heightened, impulsive energy that has been surrounding us these last few days.
The last week has felt tumultuous; almost like a quiet, aching pressure has been boiling beneath the surface. My dreams have been intense too, often accurate, and overall been propelling me in the direction of nostalgia, sadness and anger. I’ve felt as though everything was crumbling and unnecessary drama was looming toward me. It felt quite inescapable.
So I began to do my research.
When I read about this full moon, it felt as though a weight was lifted off of my shoulders. Everything I had been feeling felt as though it made sense. It felt as though someone had sat me down and said Becca, I see you, I hear you and I completely understand how you feel.
Everything I read about how to navigate the impulsive and intense energy of the full moon felt like a soft embrace. A little hug that told me everything was going to be alright, I just had to sit in my feelings for a while.
So why does this matter?
It is entirely your choice whether this resonates with you or not. But I shall give you a quote from the incredible novel The Life Impossible by Matt Haig that speaks to this.
“We are never at the finish line of understanding. There is always something about life and the universe that we are still to discover”
It’s comforting to look beyond the narrative and find something deeper. After all, that’s what poetry is, isn’t it? Looking at neatly placed letters, reading their sounds, defining their meaning and peeking beneath the surface of the sentences to find something deeper.
The universe is the same.
There is so much we do not know. It’s okay to accept that. It’s okay to wander into the grounds of spirituality and find home in the unknown. To tap into the frequency of the universe and understand yourself just that little bit more.
As always, I shall leave you with some journal prompts…
Is there anything you’d like to release/let go of during this this full moon?
Have you felt any intense emotions this past week? If so, how would you like this next week to calm them?
Has anything felt like it has stopped you from what you wish to do?
Thank you for being here 🌷
I am so grateful for you
All my love,
Becca x