the first full moon of 2025 ✨🌷🌕

happy new year, beautiful souls!! ✨✨

with a new year, comes the first full moon - this time falling in the sign of Cancer, halfway through Mars retrograde. it’s a time to feel, listen and let go.

what does a full moon mean?

full moons have been celebrated for centuries.

they are a time of pausing, reflection and release. often, because the moon is at its brightest, our emotions can feel heightened and intensified. since this moon is falling halfway through Mars Retrograde (a planet known for action and aggression), our feelings may be louder than usual. this is further perpetuated by the activity of the dwarf planet Eris, sister of Mars, Goddess of Discord and Strife. with Eris comes unsettling energy…

but good news! this energy leads to a greater sense of harmony 🦋

what does this mean for you?

whether you love astrology, simply find the moon beautiful or perhaps are just interested by the wonders of life itself, focusing your time and energy into a moment of time often reaps great rewards.

it can feel validating to know the intense emotions you may be feeling are aligned to something astrological. this full moon asks you to face the truth behind your emotions, learn from them and honouring yourself, making plans to learn and grow.

it’s a beautiful time to find yourself, especially since it is only the start of the year 🩷

there is so much to let go of this full moon so be intentional - think about the way you act and behave and whether that aligns to the self you wish to step into this year. allow your emotions to run deep and listen to them. allow them to guide you with your relationships, family, friendships and the love you have for yourself.

what can you do this full moon?

rituals are quintessentially a part of the full moon. as well as mentally pausing to reflect upon your feelings and what you’d like to let go of, rituals allow you to physically let go of them.

so here are some of my favourites to do on a full moon:

  • write a list of things you want to achieve. write them in the first person as though they have already happened. leave them on your windowsill overnight, then either burn them or keep them somewhere safe

  • write a list of things you let go and (if it is safe to do so) burn them, reciting ‘I release this negative energy’, ‘I am letting go’

  • I saw an article say this (though I am yet to have tried it) - fill up a glass of water, ask the question you wish to see answered or an emotion you’d like to be healed from and then leave it on the windowsill. when you wake, pay attention to your dreams and write down what was there. it will lead to the answer you are searching for

  • visualisation manifestation - imagine yourself stepping through a portal, literally into the life you want for yourself. close your eyes and think - what do you see? what do you smell? where are you? who are you with? how do you feel? what do you hear? the stronger the vision, the better. set this timer for 1:11.

journal prompts:

  1. have you felt strong emotional responses to things recently? if so, what are they? when was the last time you felt this way?

  2. what do you want to release this full moon?

  3. how can you show up for yourself more?

and lastly, take a deep breath and thank yourself for taking time to set goals for you.

this full moon validated a lot of what I was feeling. truthfully, being connected to the Universe and its signs often help me feel that way. it’s comforting to know how your life aligns to something so profound; it reminds you how loved and supported you are.

be kind to yourself and keep showing up.

I love you and I'm proud of you.

all my love,

Becca x


the planets are aligning for you


letting go of October